don't know when can play cosplay party ....... till then ..... take this 1st la ........ :P
Emm ....... what position you think is suitable for him ?!
( somehow ....... i think he look like the little boy of the movie UP ! )
One of the teacher with the headmaster .......
*no need to guess also know who is who .......
the teacher is showing the bad habit
Adrian : you cant keep all the porn by youself ..... you must share .....
Adrian : mmmm ....... im shy .....
ermm .......... YOU !!! see see see .......... see what see ?!
The Male Participant .........
Kim : Apek .... lu sapu lantai apa macam ?! tak da bersih pun ....
Dom : Soli la gulu busat .... no more nek time ..... sure kasi sapu besir besir
( Old Generation Teachers )
Kim : Nah ....... don't you DARE to repeat your mistake AGAIN !!!!!
Adrian & Me : Sorry ......... i know we are wrong ......
( New Generation Teacher )
Kim : You both shouldn't do that .........
Frankie & Tommy : NAH !!! Eat this .......
Kim : What the .............
Leg Hand Of SMK M.M
From Left : Mr Tommy Smoker , Jack Ng , Adrian Bom Bom Porn , Frankie Not Enough Tall , Dom the Apek Cleaner
Sitting : Pecah kepalaMaster Kim Chi Kor
then we proceed to ladies's side ......
Tweety Peggy from planet Jupiter
Bunny Evil From Neptune
Helen & Peggy
erm ........ binatang from Mars
Apek from Pluto
get what i mean ?!
Orang pluto emas manyak
walau ........ erm ...... penghuni saturn
hantu muka sepet Dari Uranus
they are the macam macam muka ...........
and also macam macam pose .......
and not forgetting ...... macam macam complain
M.M Beauty contest ......
on the left is helen from mars .... height is not height , body measurement can't be measure , hobby is to cekik human till breath-less .......
then on the right is apek pomato vivi from pluto who is manyak rich , height is abit higher than the mars helen , body have to ask frankie , hobby is to eat tomato and pretend to be potato
here you can all look closer before you give your mark !! REMEMBER ...... SEE CLEARLY 1ST
jengjengjeng ..............
dang !!! so many of their picture ..........
again ...... and again ..........
finally some boys appear ..........
Gambar Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan M.M
* guru dari EARTH , murid dari UNIVERSE *
time out !!!!! have a break .....
mmm ........ still can't figure out what are we all doing ?!
ME with the ladies and being disturb by kim ........ lol
so ....... universe lady sure can attract us , the teachers .....
hmmm ...... what is kim kim trying to do behind ?!
different planet ....... different language ...... different culture .......
and all that become ........ Pembuli dan Dibuli
Ini best ....... hantu muka sepet dari uranus pakai pistol kepala meletup attack tweety Jupiter
Now is the IQ question
Jupiter woman is taller or the earth not so tall guy taller ?!
now ........ jupiter is taller or earth tommy smoker taller ?!
now the wars of the galaxy begins .......
student is allow to drink in our school .......
sexy pose is welcome
kissing is supported
this is not advice-able ...... but also cant be helped ........
vivi ........
Mm ... do they look lovely ?! or funny ??
Jack : Phewwit ........
Adrian : hey you ...... how dare you wear such a long skirt to school ?!
Evil : Sorry teacher ......... cheap yeh ma .... wash liaw longgar liaw lor ....
Elysa and Kim
See her already sakit gigi ........
Me : hmm .......... notty pomato
ViVi : hmmm .......... back at you
ViVi : Sailormoon .......
Frankie : lui fuk mou min hup ........
walauyeh ..........
Gangsta paradise
This is one the the dance subject
in this school , human teacher will never win the universe students
so ?! kena "pau" la ....
hmmm .......... she is trying to scare you ......... yes ..... you here ........ don't look around ... only you is here .
sempat bergambar dengan guru kecik ......
erm ........ supper tonight ?!
peggy : zhar bor lung zau sau .......
Adrian : die lor ....... increase size again
us .....
Student : Drink this and you all become smarter ......
Teacher : drink this sure ko and all my belonging will be ........
Students : Mai yuk , da gip . shoing sau put on the wall ... spread your leg .......
Tommy : Oh My Kun yum .........
Students : Mai yuk .....Ga Zhen lou lup ......... give me your most precious thing
Tommy : har ?! most precious is my 1st time ....... drop liaw don't to who wor .........
Wars of the shortie ...........
Macam James bon bon With Jane Gal Gal
finally some normal picture
erm ....... no finger , middle finger and 1st finger
both try to compete to see who's cheek is rounder
UHHHhhhh ....... CIAK !
adui ...... luckily no crime happen that night ........
Helen : Die la you
Angel : Kick your leg
Jack : Ala...Ala....A dui , Ala....Ala A cik... tolong jangan pu...kul
sorry to say ....... i also don't know what im trying to do here ......
then ...... this is how i look in class without my shirt
Frank : hmm ........ i also want
Wakakakak ................. i did it ....... so hamsup ...... oppss ..... handsome
two not macho man ..... paiseh
* at least i didnt bring my guitar , unlike frankie lol *
now the naked horny sampat "kepalatuan" come in and try to punish both of us for being more leng zai and younger than him .........
well ...... to be continue to the pool time ......... really hope you all enjoy the picture above along with my hard thinking caption
P/S : no human , animal or outerspace visitor were hurt during this photoshooting ....... only a plastic lipas is damaged ...... semua cerita di atas adalah rekaan semata mata dan tiada kaitan dengan yang hidup mahu pun yang telah mati . harap maaf sekiranya penonton tersinggung and segala aduan boleh di tujukan kepada nombor berikut : 1800 I Don't GIVE A F*** ( Jabatan Tak Ada Orang Peduli )
lol .....
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